Opening sceen rework

After showing our animatic to both Mikes we were able to get alot of valauable information that has helped us understand how some of our shots dont work as well as they could do.
We were told about the motion lines that you shouldnt cross when cutting and changing shot and also that if something enters screen from one side and you cun it shouldnt enter from the other side becasue it throws off viewers. Whit this and other information in hand, myself and luke reworked some of the sceens of the animatic.

This is new opening sceens that we have created.


This is our first attempt at out animatic. Some of the shots are not timed properly which is something that i have to fix. Me luke and sometimes samier have done seprate parts of this animatic and then i put it all togeather in after affects. We plan to show it to Mike to get his opionion on it. Some of the shots we have had great dificalty with to get them to flow and move in time. But when we show it to mike i think we can change some parts

After we looked at that shot we decided that it would be better to change it to this one because theres alot more action and the camra move is better


Since i have been working on the story its given others time to do other things. Rey has done a modle block out of the enviroment of the farm and luke has managed to create a basic model of our main character which he has given a very basic rigg to do that it can be moved.

Because of that we have decided to start on the animatic. Were doing it in 3D because like before we find it eayser to find camra angels within the 3d environment. Also if we need to change anything it wont be time consuming.

This is the first shot that we thought of doing to establish the farm and the enviroment.

After takeing some time to think about this we decided that it didnt flow well and that we wouldnt add it into our animatic.


Again we have split the group up so that we can get more done. I am still working on refining the story with samire while rey and luke do more work on consept art. Samier has managed to do a block out of the inside of the barn which i have used to work out shots. We found that shots we liked in 2D didnt seem to work in 3D. So we used the block out to work out all our camra shots. I had a bit of a problem with this becasue i thought the storyboard would have looked better in 2D drawings. But this was more affective

Here is the storyboards that we have made

After that meeting we have rethought the story and we all put our heads togeather to change it. Here are the changes that we have made.

0-6 sec. Establishing shot outside of Farmhouse.
6-24sec. We are then introduced to our chicken character. He looks aroundthe farmhouse
seeing other chickens laying eggs. We have shots of the various farmhouse machinery
taking eggs away emphasizing the fact other chickens are laying eggs.
24-34sec. Our chicken’s 1st attempt at laying an egg. He will;-Stretches muscles (limbers up)-
Strains (to lay egg) No success!-Becomes a little anxious now.
34-39sec. He looks up at a veteran chicken who points to a sign that reads. Chicken - eggs =
roast dinner
39-48sec. Our chicken becomes more worried and nervous.-show him thinking about what he’s
gonna do.Maybe rubbing his chin, eyes darting left & right.
48- 120sec. He then thinks of an elaborate plan. He sees a vulnerable egg, with a halo of light
over it.-Goes behind the haystack and jumps back out wearingSplintercell -type
gear.-Steals egg but looses it on the way back-Jumps around in frustration
(10 secs).
120- 132sec.Goes into quick cuts of him trying different things in an attemptto lay an egg.1.
Pushing a broom down his throat2. Taking laxative.3. Use a machine to suck the
egg out.
132- 150sec. Final Stage -Becomes more and more desperate.-Begins straining really hard.-
Goes into a series of close up cuts on the chicken, musclesbulging, eyes watering,
vies on his neck etc….-Finally his wattle and cox’s comb pops up and he realises
thenhes’s actually cockerel.-Other chickens give him a surprised look, and then
start eyeinghim up seductively.-Our character now a cockerel turns his head to the
camera andraises his eyebrows and smiles.Fades to credits, showing pictures of the
chicken with the other hens enjoying himself (being pampered)

Meeting with Mike

Our group had a meeting with mike to explain to him our story so far and see what he thought. We showed him my sketches of the opening sceens and explained to him the rest of the story. After a bit of a discusshion with him he explained to us that it is extreemly important for the viwers to be introduced to the character stright away. Also that the suspence should be built from the beginging as that would enable the audience to emote with the main character stright away.

So after that talk with mike we had a group meeting. We took input from everyone and we decided that it would be best to cut the first sceen out as it wasnt really nessecery for telling the story and adding susspence. We then brain stormed to decide how the film should start.

Story Boarding

Because there is quite a few people in our group, we have decided to split the group so that we can get more tasks done at the same time. I have started working on the story. Planing it out and seeing what bits are needed and what bits are not.

I have done some quick thumb nails so that i can get a grasp of how the shots will pan out and see how i can compose the shots.

This is the frist sceen inside the barn. The after discussing it with the other members of the group i have decided to change a few of the shots. When we do the main storyboard i will change them and add them in. I have tried to use the type of images that would be used in a storyboard so that i can explain to the group exactly how i see the story progresing on screen.

I have also storyboraded Another part of the film. The opening shots with the truck. Hear they are.

These quick drawings have enabled me to plan out the beginging sceen and think about which way things will come into and go out of the shot

Character Designs

Everyone in the group has some ideas for the characters. Luke already had some designs for the main character from his pitch that he has showen us. I think that we all understand the type of look that luke pitched in the beginging and we all like it. We just have to design a charater with that all in mind.

Here are some very quick sketchs of the main character, the chicken. As i said befor there are already some base line ideas for the chicken. These drawings are just looking at how they would work and my own ideas and quick sketches on the main character.

This is drawing done by luke of the main character. We have all discused and feel that this design is one of the strongest. I think we will use it now for the main character although it can still change if someone hase another idea that suits it better

Research Farms

Some pics of barns that i have collected which will help with desiging our barn and farm.

Here are some pictures of things found in and arround a farm that can be used for referance when it comes to drawing and designing our characters and the way the whole movie will look.


I have been looking at pictures of things found in and arround a farm so that i can get ideas for desiging the way things will look.

Here are some shots from chicken run. I like the way they have given the chickens very human manoursims and have turned the wings into arms. I think well have to do something like this with our main character.

Here is a shot from an animation called elephants dream. I like the way this is lit. Also i like the grainy look.

The Story

Hear is the story that we have made after the frist group meeting.

Scene 1
The camera is positioned on the floor looking down a road as the credits fade in and out
A farmers truck suddenly speeds past the camera and the speed of the wheels makes the camera shake and dust is kicked up
The camera then cuts to a side/perspective view of the truck and pans in the same direction with the truck although the truck is moving slightly faster. The camera then focuses on the gap in the wooden slats
We then see the chicken suddenly pop his head out with the back of his head facing us. He turns head around and the force of the wind whips his face back and pulls his skin
The truck breaks hard
The chicken is tossed about and he pops his head back inside the truck.
The camera cuts to a shot inside the truck and we see soft streaming lights flooding in between the slats on the truck
The chicken gets to his feet and the back door of the truck is flung open. A huge shadow of the farmer is cast on him and all the other hens. The farmers sillouett of his hand reaches out and covers our chicken and we fade to black.
Scene 2
The camera focuses on some machinery as a light is turned on to revel it. This happens 3 times and on the 4th the camera is focused on the chicken as the light is turned on to reveal him in a barn. Or alternatively the camera has the whole of the inside of the barn in shot and the lights are turned on to reveal its contence and out chicken.
He looks around and sees that he is surrounded by other chickens and that they are all laying eggs. He sees some of the machinery working and processing the eggs.
One of the older chickens points to an old sign on the wall of the barn that explains that if a chicken produces no eggs they are disposed off.
He sees how the other chickens are producing them and he gives it a go by straining very hard. He tries a few positions to try and get the best result but nothing seems to be working
He then thinks of the KFC cornel and what might become of him if he is unable to produce an egg.
He then strains harder and has a little accident that has gone un noticed by the others so he tries to hide it
He notices that the farmer is making his rounds and checking on the production of all his eggs. So he begins to try again but this time even harder because of the approaching danger.
He strains so hard that his wattle and coxes popes out. He is extremely confused for a bit.

The farmer notices him and he reaches out and grabs him, picks him up and takes him out the door.
The door is slammed on the way out and the sign falls to the floor and the camera fades to black.
The End