The Story

Hear is the story that we have made after the frist group meeting.

Scene 1
The camera is positioned on the floor looking down a road as the credits fade in and out
A farmers truck suddenly speeds past the camera and the speed of the wheels makes the camera shake and dust is kicked up
The camera then cuts to a side/perspective view of the truck and pans in the same direction with the truck although the truck is moving slightly faster. The camera then focuses on the gap in the wooden slats
We then see the chicken suddenly pop his head out with the back of his head facing us. He turns head around and the force of the wind whips his face back and pulls his skin
The truck breaks hard
The chicken is tossed about and he pops his head back inside the truck.
The camera cuts to a shot inside the truck and we see soft streaming lights flooding in between the slats on the truck
The chicken gets to his feet and the back door of the truck is flung open. A huge shadow of the farmer is cast on him and all the other hens. The farmers sillouett of his hand reaches out and covers our chicken and we fade to black.
Scene 2
The camera focuses on some machinery as a light is turned on to revel it. This happens 3 times and on the 4th the camera is focused on the chicken as the light is turned on to reveal him in a barn. Or alternatively the camera has the whole of the inside of the barn in shot and the lights are turned on to reveal its contence and out chicken.
He looks around and sees that he is surrounded by other chickens and that they are all laying eggs. He sees some of the machinery working and processing the eggs.
One of the older chickens points to an old sign on the wall of the barn that explains that if a chicken produces no eggs they are disposed off.
He sees how the other chickens are producing them and he gives it a go by straining very hard. He tries a few positions to try and get the best result but nothing seems to be working
He then thinks of the KFC cornel and what might become of him if he is unable to produce an egg.
He then strains harder and has a little accident that has gone un noticed by the others so he tries to hide it
He notices that the farmer is making his rounds and checking on the production of all his eggs. So he begins to try again but this time even harder because of the approaching danger.
He strains so hard that his wattle and coxes popes out. He is extremely confused for a bit.

The farmer notices him and he reaches out and grabs him, picks him up and takes him out the door.
The door is slammed on the way out and the sign falls to the floor and the camera fades to black.
The End

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